Press Release Summary = Research studies prove that meditation is effective in the prevention and treatment of the misue of alcohol. A free \"How to Meditate\" ebook is available for download, which teaches how to use alcohol to fight substance addiction.
Press Release Body = Meditation is often cited as a scientific way to reduce stress, increase inner calm, and improve memory and overall health. In the past, various studies have shown that the daily practice of meditation can help lower your blood pressure, decrease your pulse rate and serum cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and increases serum DHEA. Studies by Ainslie Meares in Australia showed that specific forms of meditation also led to cancer regression in 10% of cases. A worldwide movement is growing on the increased usage of meditation for all sorts of health problems.
A review study by Gelderloos, Walton, Orme-Johnson, and Alexander in the International Journal of the Addictions has found that meditation is also an effective means to help prevent and treat alcohol abuse and substance abuse. Meditation can act as a substitute or replacement for the artificial chemical rush supplied by alcohol. It also helps people develop a higher sense of inner self-worth and well-being, which lead to better coping skills. Frequent meditators also experienced fewer psychological distressors such as anxiety and depression.
Meditation has a greater success rate for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism and alcohol abuse than more traditional behavioral methods, and shows lasting long term effects in this area. In genral, people who learn to meditate typically decrease their frequency and overall consumption of alcohol.
Top Shape Publishing LLC has therefore just released a free book on How to Meditate with specific content for alcohol and substance addiction. The free public service book can be obtained from the website and can be part of an overall program to help individuals struggling with alcohol abuse to break the addictive habit. The book give step by step instructions on how to meditate to achieve inner calm, and control ones\' own mind such as dissolving away the urge to drink or use drugs.
To obtain the free ebook, please visit the website for free downloading instructions.
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